"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function."
Albert Bartlett - Professor of Physics

Jul 24, 2012

Increasing Carbon Dioxide Causes Oxygen Depletion In the Atmosphere

This figure (independent of the study) shows the history of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations as directly measured at Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Do you see the trend?

The focus here is not global warming - please read closely:

According to study conducted by scientists from the Scripps Institute there is less oxygen in the atmosphere today than there used to be. The study is based from data dating back to 1989 from all over the world.

The 20 year study concluded that, as carbon dioxide accumulates in the atmosphere, available oxygen is decreasing. Three oxygen molecules are lost in our atmosphere for each carbon dioxide molecule that is produced.

Ice core data shows a 30% increase in carbon dioxide since the beginning of the industrial age which would amount to an increased loss of 90% oxygen in the atmosphere if the math is correct.

It's clear no matter how you look at it that oxygen depletion is a very serious issue - from dead zones in the ocean to a reduced amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

Deadzones increasing in the Ocean

According to the report deadzones have incresed by 30 fold since 1960. Dead-zones are oxygen-deprived zones in the ocean that cause marine life to die or to move out of the area (if they can). Dead-zones are caused by an excess of nitrogen from farm fertilizers, sewage and emissions from vehicles and factories. Unless urgent action is taken to tackle the sources of the problem, it is likely to escalate rapidly.

Preventive measures
*European nations along the Rhine agreed to halve discharged nitrogen levels, reducing the discharge into the North Sea.
*Planting new forests and grasslands will help soak up excess nitrogen, keeping it out of waterways.
*Requiring vehicles to reduce nitrogen emissions.
*Fostering alternative energy sources that are not based on burning fossil fuels.
*Better sewage treatment would reduce nutrient discharges to coastal waters.

Video posted to youtube by:

150 deadzones counted in the Oceans

Being an ex-Trucker I know all to well just how inefficient our transportation system is.

In the United States in particular we have a very vast country and many products being shipped across the country. Many times these trucks are less than loaded (they call it LTL) and the trucks are lucky to get 7mpg. My own rig got around 6 mpg when hauling a load. Then tact on a lot of these products come from overseas.

So by the time the product is delivered to the customer it may have traveled around the earth just for some simple item like fuel. Especially if the product is a foreign product which includes your daily crude oil that is burned and then put into the environment. These products include anything from fuel, electronics goods, plastics, food, tools, automobiles, clothing, you name it - just about everything goes though a long transportation network to where you use it.

Being a futurist I feel in the future many of these problems could be solved and reduced dramatically but only if we make the changes happen. Actually right now things could be dramatically changed if there was an effort to do so. But until we make some changes this inefficient model will be way things are done. This inefficient way of living is at great cost to the environment and waste of resources that could be put to better use for all of society and the planet.

Right now societies waste energy at an astounding rate and along with that energy expenditure comes the certain consequence of mass pollution that not only contaminate the air we breath but the fallout to the soil and the oceans - it's very destructive. It's bad enough the factories put masses of contaminants into the air but that's just the beginning of it. After a product is produced it goes through a long transportation network and then after it's used it is disposed of.

As a former truck driver I've been to a lot of factories in the United States that make you disgusted when you see how pollutive they are without even looking at the data. It's not the literature - you can see the effects and after reading the data you get a full understanding of what's going on. Just driving though the US you see how the face of the environment has been permanently altered by man and the pollution is a constant cycle because of the way we do things as a society - it really is an industrial apocalypse.

Then (as a trucker) after you get the products from the factory and you start to realize (if your a thinker) just how inefficient we are after hauling a product 500 to 3000 miles across land (don't forget if the product came for over seas tack on the distance from country to country - Approximate distance in miles from New York United States to Beijing China is 6875 miles and some of these loads across land portion of the journey are less than loaded).

I've personally hauled many loads that were either 1/4 full of the 53' trailer 2000+ miles and sometimes I've even been paid to run that far empty to get a load from Mexico to haul back imported parts to a Ford plant in Detroit, Michigan or Indiana - these plants looked like dead factories on the US side with skeleton crews. The Ford plant loads were actually a regular route for me - I did them back and forth. I wouldn't be completely empty on the US side but I might as well had been - that is I would haul empty parts bins (empty containers) to go pick up parts at the border in Nogales (a border town) to bring to the Ford factories in the Mideastern states.

The point is the distance traveled to get imported parts totaled ruffly 4000+ miles; that I personally drove and that doesn't even account for the mileage in Mexico (the other driver drove from Mexico) to the border for me to grab a preloaded trailer from him in exchange for my completely empty (parts bin) trailer from the US. That kind of waste is pretty common in the trucking industry.

Sure were "efficient" (fast) at producing the products and bringing them to people but the problem is it comes at a great expense to the environment. You don't even need to look at any data to see this - most thinking people can see the waste that is created and the obvious drawbacks in transporting goods from 1 central location to bring goods throughout the country (or world if it's a major export). It's just a very inefficient system that is very costly to the environment.

The Story of Father Sun and Mother Earth

Posted by aquariancalendar on youtube.


I am a visionary and I have seen a vision of our fate. Our planet is dying off as a result of pollution. My mission is to make people (especially our government and lawmakers) aware of this fact. Corporations will not like what I have to say or the message I pass so I will need your help.

It's not just up to me - it's every single persons duty on this planet to stop our mother earth from being destroyed of life giving systems. For the future to be preserved this deadly pattern of destruction must change. We all know the importance of having modern things such as transportation and food but we can not sacrifice our planets life support systems as a result of human wants and needs.

I do believe however if we act fast enough the planet has a great ability to repair itself. I also feel that technology has a solution to keep our level of quality at it's current or even greater standards of living not yet know; but greed of very large corporations hinder this technology to keep making a profit and humans don't demand enough out of our research to produce earth friendly technologies and products.

Free energy for example is a concept the energy giants do not want us to achieve for obvious reasons. If cheap alternative energy is made available the energy giants will collapse and be out of business. Just 1 great discovery would lead to this event and the energy giants would be put out of business overnight.

The financial loss would great to some but at the cost of possibly saving the planet or at least making a critical step to preserving the environment. I know a lot of people hate that word (environment) because they have been taught that the earth and the government are invincible and that people who believe we can change the environment are conspiracy theorist or lunatic tree hugger. Actually I am neither but I respect the earth and the life it gives us and would like to see that preserved for future generations to enjoy life as many have on our great mother earth.

If we do not act fast enough the consequeces will be dire. In my opinion it could result in loss of all life on the planet.

Another misconception is that if we change things everything we have we will have to give up. I don't see it that way but our ways will have to change. It could be gradual - I don't expect society has to come to a stop but we need to make changes now before it comes to that or the it simply becomes too late to change because of the damage done.

Please help spread this message. If you don't have time either make some time or please donate and I will spread the message for you. It takes alot of my time and cost me money in the end to make any progess so please do support this movement. With doantions I can put more time into it / pay for my expenses and expand. The more you donate the more I can hammer away.